Start of Regular Ongoing Provision of Farmed Seaweed to Employee Cafeterias from Sea Vegetable Company
Employee cafeteria in the PHD Kadoma Head Office
The PHD/PEX Corporate Citizenship Activities Sector collaborated with the PHD Technology Sector and PEX General Affairs Sector to begin from November 26, 2024, an initiative for regular ongoing provision to employee cafeterias farmed seaweed from Sea Vegetable Company.
PHD preempted this with the issuance of a press release on the signing of a joint demonstration contract with Sea Vegetable Company to look into the potential for solving social issues through seaweed farming on November 15, 2024. PHD will combine its knowledge and knowhow in robotics and IoT technology honed through many years in the manufacturing industry with the Sea Vegetable Company's technology and facilities for farming seaweed on land and sea. This initiative is part of their collaboration to explore the potential to minimize environmental impacts and provide a stable supply of food.
[Dishes using farmed seaweed] Inari sushi with young hijiki and suji-aonori; kimbap with young hijiki; tempura assortment including atsuba-aosa tempura; lightly pickled Chinese cabbage with young hijiki; and young hijiki mini udon noodles
Tatsuo Ogawa, PHD CTO, and Akiyo Doumoto, General Manager of the CSR & Citizenship Office, try out the dishes in the employee cafeteria
[Dishes using farmed seaweed] Inari sushi with young hijiki and suji-aonori; kimbap with young hijiki; tempura assortment including atsuba-aosa tempura; lightly pickled Chinese cabbage with young hijiki; and young hijiki mini udon noodles
Yuichi Tomohiro, Co-representative of Sea Vegetable Company, gave a lecture for employees at a Social Good Meetup (SGM) held on November 21. He talked about the current damage to biodiversity in Japan's seas, such as rocky shore denudation, and the potential of a culture of eating seaweed, detailing the background to the provision of farmed seaweed to employee cafeterias. The PHD/PEX Corporate Citizenship Activities Sector will continue to promote understanding and behavioral change toward nature-positive actions within the company through providing farmed seaweed and sustainable seafood at employee cafeterias.
<Related links>
Newsroom article
News release on the joint demonstration contract
Sea Vegetable Company's website