My Future Discovery Program Wins the Grand Prize of the METI Career Education Award
On December 16, 2024, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) announced the companies and organizations that won the 14th Career Education Awards. Panasonic Holdings Corporation's My Future Discovery Program received the Grand Prize, the highest rank of the Economy, Trade and Industry Minister's Award.* These awards were created in FY2010 to encourage and promote the spread of career education initiatives in industrial circles by honoring outstanding companies and other organizations for their activities toward career education.
Panasonic began to provide the My Future Discovery Program from FY2011 to support career education undertaken by junior high schools throughout Japan. This program provides educational materials school teachers can immediately put to use in lessons and visiting classes by group employees. These create opportunities to encourage children to think themselves about what they need to do now in order to become the person they want to be in the future.
The program received the award due to it being highly commended for its consistent support so far to become integrated into schoolrooms, for its ongoing use of the PDCA cycle from a medium- to long-term perspective, and for its universality to accommodate diverse educational needs. It was also praised for allowing employees taking part as teachers to reevaluate their own careers.
An award ceremony and presentation of example cases will be held as part of the FY2024 Symposium for Partnerships for Career Education Promotion to be held on February 6.
* The My Future Discovery Program received the Economy, Trade and Industry Minister's Award in the large corporation category. The two other categories of this award are SMEs and coordinators. The program was chosen as the most excellent overall for the Grand Prize.
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News release by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)