Unitopia Sasayama Woodland Revitalization Area Certified as a Nationally Certified Sustainably Managed Natural Site by the Ministry of the Environment
The woodland revitalization area certified as a Nationally Certified Sustainably Managed Natural Site and volunteer activities taking place there
The woodland revitalization area of Unitopia Sasayama* (Tamba-Sasayama City, Hyogo Prefecture), which Panasonic ECO RELAY JAPAN has worked on with volunteers to restore since 2012, has been certified by the Ministry of the Environment as a Nationally Certified Sustainably Managed Natural Site. For the Panasonic Group, this follows the certification of the Kyozon-no-mori Forest (Forest of Coexistence) of the Kusatsu operating site.
* Accommodation facility operated by the Panasonic Group Workers Unions Association
Nationally Certified Sustainably Managed Natural Sites are nationally designated areas for the protection of biodiversity. Atsushi Nishino, natural environment coordinator of the Ministry of the Environment's Kinki Regional Environment Office, presented the certificate recognizing the Unitopia Sasayama area onsite on October 25.
From the second on the left: Unitopia Sasayama's Manager Kobayashi, Panasonic ECO RELAY JAPAN's Secretary-General Amano, and Nishino of the Ministry of the Environment's Kinki Regional Environment Office
Certification as a Nationally Certified Sustainably Managed Natural Site
The woodland revitalization area of Unitopia Sasayama is located inside a corporate recreation area. Key reasons for the certification include that it is managed to preserve biodiversity, its diverse biota** has been confirmed to include rare species, and these are used as opportunities for environmental education, along with a full monitoring system being in place.
** Biota means the composition of types of animals and plants inhabiting a particular region.
Panasonic ECO RELAY JAPAN will continue through its activities in the woodland revitalization area of Unitopia Sasayama to collaborate with NPOs, local governments, administrative agencies and so forth to communicate to society the importance of coexisting with nature and conserving biodiversity while also working for local revitalization and to pass on abundant nature to future generations.