Global: Kid Witness News (KWN) Global Summit 2024 Held
The Kid Witness News (KWN) Global Summit 2024 was held on Saturday, October 26. KWN is a program supporting video creation run by the Panasonic Group globally. Around 150 children/students and other stakeholders from 21 schools in 11 countries (Japan, the US, UAE, India, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, the Philippines, Brazil, Vietnam, and Malaysia) joined this year's summit, with the main studio being located in Japan.
The summit included workshops for the children to interact beyond their own countries and have fun while understanding different cultures. Four awards were announced.
The four awards included the Panasonic Award chosen by Panasonic Group employees with 1,457 votes worldwide, and the Fans Award selected by 40,965 votes from ordinary people. We wish to thank everyone who voted for these awards.
The summit was streamed live on Facebook and YouTube worldwide, allowing many viewers to enjoy the enthusiasm and creativity of the children.
"The experience of working on the video production just like a professional was something I really appreciate" and "I enjoyed feeling closer to people from other countries through the summit" were just some of the comments from children who took part in the event.