Japan: Panasonic Education Foundation's FY2024 Result Report Meeting for Subsidies for Practical Research
The Panasonic Education Foundation has in the 50 years since its founding in 1973 provided subsidies for practical research into solving issues in schools and qualitatively improving classes through the use of information and communications technology (ICT).
It has continued to communicate the outcomes of its activities. In FY2024, for four schools designated for special research that have completed the two-year subsidy period, it held result report meetings jointly with the New Education Expo Tokyo held on June 7 and the 9th Kansai Educational ICT Exhibition, one of the biggest of its kind in west Japan, held on July 26. Over 300 school teachers and others engaged in education participated at the venue and online on both dates to share the results of the subsidies for practical research and the process of trial and error involved. The schools that reported at the meetings, their advisors, and the titles of their presentations are as follows.
Presenting school: Hoshioki-Higashi Elementary School (Sapporo)
Advisor: Hokkaido University of Education Professor Kanji Himeno
Presentation title: Language Skills Revealed through Studying Characters How Much Should ICT Be Used in Teaching Characters?
Presenting school: Takamatsu Junior High School Attached to the Faculty of Education, Kagawa University
Advisor: Konan Women's University Professor Masahiro Murakawa
Presentation title: A Journey Alone to Find Yourself: Thoroughly Assessing Personal Preferences
Presenting school: Hachioji Soshi High School
Advisor: Meiji University Professor Makiko Kishi
Presentation title: Is It Possible to Evaluate Investigation? Methods and Perspectives on Diverse Types and Ways of Learning by Diverse Students
Presenting school: Kobe University Elementary School
Advisor: Wakayama University Professor Michitaka Toyoda
Presentation title: Using Electronic Money and Payments in Financial Education:School Independent Development and Use of Virtual Currency App
The meetings were held jointly with an exhibition and expo attended by many people involved in education
Reporting with the advisors (researchers)
Those that could not attend the result report meetings can view them on the website of the Foundation. The Foundation will continue to contribute to teachers directly involved in education.
<Related link>
Panasonic Education Foundation Website
Website for the FY2024 Result Report Meetings