Japan: FY2024 Fukushima Marche in Full Operation for the Peach Season
Even now, over ten years since the Great East Japan Earthquake, Fukushima Prefecture is still subject to harmful rumors about its produce.
The Panasonic Group started the Fukushima "Reconstruction" Support Action in January 2022 to give support to Fukushima by eating food from this prefecture.
Over the two years and two months to the end of March 2024 approximately 18,000 meals were provided through menus of employee cafeterias in 24 operating sites.
In addition, the Fukushima Marche (market) to promote the purchasing of Fukushima goods has been held 15 times at 11 operating sites.
Peaches are in season and highly popular now
In FY2024, starting with PID Nishi-Kadoma on May 14, the Fukushima Marche has been held 11 times in ten operating sites.
On June 20 the market came to PID Tsuyama, a first outside the Tokyo and the central Kansai area. The season for peaches from Fukushima is from July to early September, so the market concentrated on Kansai operating sites: PHD Technology Sector at Kita-Kadoma on July 23, PID Nishi-Kadoma on August 6, PHD/PEX Kadoma on August 21, and OBP/JYO Tower on September 3.
The market in PID Tsuyama on June 20
Mamador sweets are always popular as gifts
Saké from Fukushima breweries
The Panasonic Group will continue to further engage in efforts internally and externally through the Fukushima "Reconstruction" Support Action to support earthquake recovery through changing the consumption behavior of employees and to achieve Goal 11 of SDGs: Sustainable Cities and Communities.