Start of NPO/NGO Support Pro Bono Program FY2024 Long-Term Pro Bono
The Panasonic NPO/NGO Support Pro Bono Program has kicked off its FY2024 long-term Pro Bono to support the activities of Japanese NPOs and NGOS through the skills and experience of Panasonic employees. This year 22 employees from various operating companies and regions will provide support to the following four organizations.
On Saturday, June 22, a kickoff advance meeting was held. Teams were formed for each recipient organization, the members introduced themselves, and confirmed the expected outcomes and how the project would proceed. Service Grant, which is a joint partner in this program, provided advice on key points and preparations regarding the project procedures.
From July kickoff meetings will be held with each of the recipient organizations, after which the project will proceed with them for half a year toward an outcome presentation meeting to be held in-company in February next year. To further widen the scope of participation, a One-Day Challenge Pro Bono in-person meeting will be held in Osaka on August 31. Twelve employees have applied to enter this.
Entries open for participation in the Pro Bono Program via an in-company meeting held in May each year. Employees from various age groups wanting to expand their knowledge, achieve personal growth, change their sense of values, and expand their personal networks are participating in the program.