Clean-up Volunteer Activities Held in the Kanto Region
Several environmental volunteer activities were concentrated in June and July in Japan to coincide with the Panasonic ECO RELAY World Action 2024, which brings together Group employees from all over the world to act together. Up to now Panasonic Eco Relay Japan has regularly implemented environmental conservation activities in the Kansai region. This fiscal year, to allow employees in the Kanto region to participate too, it held clean-up activities in four places: Arakawa, Tokyo, on Sunday, June 16; Kasai Marine Park, Tokyo, on Saturday, July 13; Katase Higashihama Beach (Enoshima), Kanagawa, on Saturday, July 20; and LaLaport Toyosu, Tokyo, on Sunday, July 28.
The clean-up at the beach in particular went beyond just collecting garbage that had drifted onto the beach, making an effort to screen the sand with a small sieve and scoop up fragments of microplastic created by tidal action. Though the beach appears beautiful at first, a closer look reveals red and green plastic fragments here and there, together with pebbles and seashells, giving the participants an opportunity to see for real the grave problem of garbage in rivers and the sea.
The clean-up at Katase Higashihama Beach was done jointly with Suntory Holdings. Around 100 employees took part. They tried making plastic art with the collected plastic waste, and both adults and children enjoyed taking part in this environmental activity.
Aiming to realize a sustainable society, the Corporate Citizenship Activities Sector is appealing for everyday eco actions that employees can do as part of their daily lives, and seeks to broaden the scope of environmental activities through fieldwork, such as clean-up activities.