Japan: Panasonic Wins the Excellence Award of MEXT Commendation for Companies Promoting Youth Experience Activities
The social communication activities of Panasonic Corporation (PC) won an excellence award at the FY2023 Commendation for Companies Promoting Youth Experience Activities organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
MEXT gives these awards to companies engaged in excellent initiatives as part of their corporate citizenship activities as a way to promote experiential activities for youth. Out of the 69 entries in FY2023 two MEXT Minister Awards (the top awards) went to one large company and one SME, and eight excellence awards were given to six large companies and two SMEs.
PC's mission is to realize life tech and ideas for the wellbeing of people, society and the planet. It uses the technological capabilities and knowhow refined through its business activities to engage in various activities for the next generations in regions throughout Japan.
Screening committee member Professor Kazuyuki Noguchi of Keio University said of this award that "There is a strong impression of many activities ongoing in a wide range of fields. The content aligned to the official guidelines for teaching is highly precious from the viewpoint of classroom teachers. The way the many points in the regions and businesses connect together to form a joint network promoting these activities is noteworthy. I hope to see it continue to expand still more in the future."
PC's social communication activities also won the Executive Committee Special Award for Consideration to the Local Community and People at the 11th Good Life Awards organized by the Ministry of the Environment in December 2023, and have been praised for their content from many angles.