Japan: Panasonic Energy Gives Cooperation and Support for Disaster Preparedness Education at Local High School
The Human Resources and General Affairs Center of Panasonic Energy Co., Ltd. (PEC) is providing cooperation and support for classes on exploration activities on the theme of disaster preparedness as a local company at the request of Osaka International High School.
An integrated junior and senior high school situated next to the PEC Head Office (in Moriguchi City, Osaka Prefecture), its vision is to give children the ability to live independently and serve future society, focusing on exploratory learning to gain the ability to learn by themselves, think deeply about matters, and acquire language skills. In FY2023 the exploratory learning curriculum is themed on disaster preparedness in its local region of Moriguchi City for the 116 second year high school students.
Through lectures on its disaster preparedness measures as a company and various learning activities, PEC has cooperated with and supported classes by reviewing the disaster preparedness steps the students thought up themselves and the disaster preparedness awareness stickers that they created as the culmination of their year of study.
PEC will continue to contribute to solving social issues while making the most of collaboration and communication with the local community.