Japan: Panasonic Heating & Ventilation A/C Company Holds 18th Environmental Painting Competition
Panasonic Heating & Ventilation A/C Company held the 18th Environmental Painting Competition for elementary school students in summer 2023. This competition has been held since 2006 as a means to instill from childhood years the custom of thinking about the environment.
In FY2023 there were 1,181 entries nationwide of works on the theme of Clean Air, Clean Water, and Living Beings. This theme encourages the children to think what they can do to keep the air and water clean, and freely express such things as living creatures living happily. The entries were judged by people involved in environmental education, children's art teachers, members of Kasugai City, and those involved with Panasonic. A total of 11 were selected, one for the first prize, one for the president's award, three excellence awards, five honorable mentions, and one special award (Mayor of Kasugai Award).
First prize - Yuito Minowa (6th grade) Bountiful Nature Forever
President's award - Miina Morita (2nd grade) A Beautiful River for Giant Salamander to Live In
The work that received the Mayor of Kasugai Award will be wrapped on the side of a garbage collection vehicle used in Kasugai, for environmental learning and garbage collection throughout the city. To broadly share the thoughts of the children, all of the works entered in the competition will be shown on the website of the Panasonic Corporation Heating & Ventilation A/C Company, and will be displayed in public facilities in Aichi and in Panasonic-related facilities.
The garbage collection vehicle wrapped with the work that won the Mayor of Kasugai Award