Panasonic Award-giving Ceremony Held for 70th Japan Traditional Kogei -Art Crafts- Exhibition (Kyoto)
The Japan Traditional Kogei -Art Crafts- Exhibition, which Panasonic Group supports, was held for its 70th time from September 13 in Tokyo. The Kyoto exhibition was held at the Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum* from October 11 to 15.
A Panasonic Award-giving Ceremony was held on the first day.
Our founder, Konosuke Matsushita, evinced a deep interest in Japan's traditional crafts as the foundation of contemporary manufacturing, and to help preserve and further them, from 1960 the company began to support the Japan Kogei Association. He was appointed as the first chairperson of the Kinki Branch of Japan Kogei Association in the same year, and from 1979 the Matsushita Award (now the Panasonic Award) was presented to artists from the Kinki region who received awards or were selected as winners for the first time at the exhibition.
The Kyoto exhibition
Executive Officer Mishima in charge of PHD CSR and Corporate Citizenship Activities attended this year's Panasonic Award-giving Ceremony to present seven awards to craft artists, including main exhibition award recipients Kotaro Omura (Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Award for dyeing and weaving) and Junko Ebigase (Japan Kogei Association Chairperson's Award). Atsushi Murayama, chairperson of the Kinki Branch of the Japan Kogei Association and a former executive vice president of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., presented certificates to three new full members of the Japan Kogei Association.
Award winners receiving certificates from Executive Officer Mishima
View of the Award-giving Ceremony venue
The 70th Japan Traditional Kogei -Art Crafts- Exhibition was subsequently held at Takashimaya Osaka from October 18 to 23, and will travel to ten cities around Japan up to February 12 next year.
The PEX Corporate Citizenship Department will continue to support the Japan Kogei Association, and through collaborations with our corporate activities we will help create opportunities to experience Japanese traditional crafts for our employees and for upcoming talent who will lead the next generation.