2023.09.26   Other Activities

Panasonic Community Concert Held in Fukuoka

PHD CSR & Citizenship Office and the Kyushu Panasonic Family Association held the Panasonic Community Concert 2023 Fukuoka Performance by the Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra on August 4 in ACROS Fukuoka Symphony Hall. 


This year marks the 21st such concert to be held. It has become an established community contribution event PHD CSR & Citizenship Office and the Kyushu PF Association. Invitations go not only to Panasonic stakeholders but also to ordinary people such as employees of local companies, Fukuoka Prefecture, and Fukuoka City, foreign students, and senior high school students learning wind instrument music. Part of the proceeds from the concert will be donated as aid contributions to the UN-Habitat Regional Office for Asia and Pacific Fukuoka and the Asian-Pacific Children's Convention in Fukuoka (APCC).

Last year the concert was held in a strictly subdued fashion due to the impact of COVID-19, but this year special effort was put into advance publicity activities to ensure a good turnout, particularly aiming to attract youth to see the power of a live performance. As a result, the audience reached 1,537, a record number.

地元の留学生や高校生も招待.png 従業員ボランティアによる開演前の準備の様子.png

To help run the concert, 55 Panasonic Group volunteers took part to help with reception and as venue guides. This year's concert featured all 114 members of the Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra playing Beethoven's Fate Symphony and Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. Audience members said it was "an absolutely wonderful performance" and "highly moving." The way the students were completely riveted on watching the performance was particularly noteworthy, and some children even got up to dance, marking what was all in all a very successful concert.

総勢114名のフルオーケストラによる演奏が実現.pngPerformance by the full 114 members of the orchestra

当社グループから55名の従業員が運営ボランティアとして参加.pngFifty-five Panasonic Group volunteers helped to organize the event

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