Kickoff Meeting for FY2023 My Future Discovery Program Employee Teachers
On May 12, 21 employee teachers joined the FY2023 online kickoff meeting held for the My Future Discovery Program, a career education program for junior high school students promoted by the PEX Corporate Citizenship Department.
This program provides educational materials and visiting classes by employees to encourage children to think themselves about what they need to do now in order to become the person they want to be in the future. For the employees, participating in the visiting classes as teachers is a chance to talk about their own career and roles up to now, to take stock of their job and review the purpose of their work.
In this way it connects to opportunities for employees to participate in corporate citizenship activities to support the learning of children who will lead future generations (human development).
This fiscal year visiting classes will reach 50 junior high schools in Japan and other countries, starting from June 19.