Japan: Special Corporate Advisor Masayuki Matsushita and Chairperson Kazuhiro Tsuga Attend Japan Prize Presentation Ceremony
The 2023 presentation ceremony of the Japan Prize organized by the Japan Prize Foundation was held on April 13 with their Majesties the Emperor and Empress in attendance at the Imperial Hotel Tokyo.
Attending from the Panasonic Group were Special Corporate Advisor Masayuki Matsushita and Chairperson Kazuhiro Tsuga, who are respectively a director and a councilor of the foundation.
The Japan Prize was established in the early 1980s through private donations in accordance with the Japanese government's desire to "contribute to the development of science and technology worldwide by establishing a prestigious international award."
It honors scientists and researchers worldwide who are recognized for having contributed significantly to the peace and prosperity of humankind through their original and outstanding achievements that have greatly advanced the progress of science and technology.
Our founder, Konosuke Matsushita, endorsed the concept of the Japan Prize and donated his own funds in support of it, as well as serving as the first chairperson of the Japan Prize Foundation.
This year's laureates were Professor Masataka Nakazawa (Japan) and Mr. Kazuo Hagimoto (Japan) in the field of electronics, information, and communications, and Professor Gero Miesenböck (Austria) and Professor Karl Deisseroth (USA) in the field of life sciences.
The recipients (laureates) are decided through a strict judging process taking approximately a year, with candidate recommendations from some 15,500 experts both in Japan and abroad.
Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress
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The Japan Prize's website