Japan: KWN Kids Reporters Interview at the Japan Traditional Kogei -Art Crafts- Exhibition (Kinki area)
The Panasonic Group supports the Kinki Chapter of the Japan Crafts Association based on the founder's belief that "traditional crafts are the starting point of Japanese manufacturing. Based on the belief the Group supports the Kinki Chapter of the Japan Crafts Association.
The ceramics workshop
In FY2022 it held a ceramics workshop with its own instructors at Kyoto Prefectural Suzaku High School. The students focused on creating works that they could give to someone, such as a plate to hold Japanese rice crackers for a grandfather or as a return gift after receiving a present from a father.
The finished works by the students were exhibited at the 52nd Japan Traditional Kogei -Art Crafts- Exhibition (Kinki area) held on April 15 at the Kyoto Takashimaya Department Store.
The exhibition proved popular with families of the students and ordinary members of the public.
On the day of the exhibition members of the Broadcasting Club of Kyoto Prefectural Nanyo Junior/Senior High School, a school participating in the educational support program KWN (Kid Witness News) through video production, interviewed students who took part in the ceramics workshop and their family members. The aim of this was to share the wonder of Japanese crafts and the importance of handing on their traditions.
Family members visiting the exhibition
Student interviewers
The KWN kids reporter interviewers commented that "You could feel the thoughts of the creators through the works," and "It was a wonderful experience to use real equipment just like the professionals do." The scenes from the ceramics workshop and the interviews by the KWN kids reporters are recommended watching.