India: Tree Planting Events Held on Employee Birthday Months
As a step towards combatting the Urban Pollution, Panasonic Life Solutions India engages the employees for tree plantation each month under the "Harit Umang" (Joy of Green) initiative.
The Plantation Drive is carried out at a location in urban location e.g. at Power Grid specifically chosen to take care that land availability in urban areas and benefit accruing not only towards combatting urban pollution and carbon neutrality but also enabling a environment friendly ambience to the employees working at the Power generating station.
The Panasonic employees having their Birthday in the respective months actively participate in the plantation drive displaying great enthusiasm in contributing to this cause.
It not only helped in enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the Power Grid premises, but also served as a reminder of the need to protect and preserve our natural environment.
On special request at time the tree plantation drive also planted some flowers being part of the campaign in addition to committed trees planted.