Received Top Award at the Corporate Philanthropy Awards
On December 21, 2022, the Panasonic Group received the top award at the 20th Corporate Philanthropy Awards. These awards commend corporate citizenship activities organically and sustainably using management resources (human resources, knowhow, technology, information, etc.) to solve social problems.
The top award was awarded to the Panasonic Group for its constant involvement in such activities, like the Panasonic NPO/NGO Support Fund for SDGs to support organizational infrastructure enhancement for NPOs and NGOs started in 2001, and Pro Bono Program to similarly help operations of NPOs and NGOs using the business skills and experience of employees. And the award is a result of the volunteer work of NPOs/NGOs and employees who have taken up the challenge together to sustain and develop the organization. Receiving this recognition has reaffirmed the significance of these activities for the Panasonic Group. We will continue to strive for further transformation of society to solve the problems that face us.
Website of the NPO/NGO Support Fund for SDGs
Website of the NPO/NGO Support Fund Pro Bono Program