Japan: Social Good Meetups Held for the Disaster Recovery Month
The PEX Corporate Citizenship Department held online Social Good Meetups on the theme of earthquake recovery over four consecutive weeks to mark 12 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11.
Instructors of the meetups were people active in the fields of (1) ongoing support, (2) development of future generations, (3) collaboration with multiple organizations, and (4) combating harmful rumors. They explained the current status of recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, relevant issues, and what individuals can do.
Social Good Meetups were held 16 times in FY2022, with a total of 2,046 employees participating. This fiscal year meetups are being planned on various social issues, such as ending poverty, environmental themes and human resources development (learning) support.
What are Social Good Meetups?
The SGMs aim to promote awareness and understanding of social issues among employees and change behavior toward solutions. People from companies and NPOs involved in social issues are invited to these meetings after work(Japan time) as a chance for open learning and connecting employees with broader social issues.