Brazil: Panasonic Brazil helps young people aspire to be chefs
On November 26, 2022, the final competition for the Apprentice Chef Program was held in São Paulo with support from Panasonic and Panasonic Brazil (PANABRAS).
This program hosted by Chef Aprendiz, a non-profit organization, aims to help young people become independent chefs without giving up pursuing their dreams due to poverty and other problems. Young people who join the program will be allowed to take part in classes at more than 40 workshops provided free of charge by the organization. The contents of the classes can be roughly classified into the following three categories:
(1) self-management through meditation and self-knowledge.
(2) basic cooking techniques and food history necessary for becoming a chef as well as language and manners while serving customers.
(3) financial knowledge required of those in management.
Approximately 20 young people between the ages of 17 and 24 competed at the final competition after taking theory classes and practical training over six months. They presented a full-course meal made up of an appetizer, main dish, and dessert to a panel of judges comprised of professional chefs and restaurant owners. In addition, on that day, they also had an opportunity to exchange with graduates who took part in this program in the past and are now working as chefs, providing further encouragement.
A total of 631 young people have participated in the program, which began in 2015, and 74% of the participants in 2021, the most recent year, have been either employed by restaurants or are in the selection process. In addition to providing support to help create opportunities to develop future generations, PANABRAS will continue to support the creation of opportunities for future leaders.