織田コレクション 北欧モダンデザインの名匠ポール・ケアホルム展時代を超えたミニマリズムPoul Kjærholm: Timeless MinimalismFurniture by a Master of Modern Danish Design from the Oda Collection

- 展覧会会期
- 2024年 6月29日(土)~ 9月16日(月・祝)
- 主催
- パナソニック汐留美術館
- 特別協力
- 北海道東川町、織田コレクション協力会、旭川家具工業協同組合
- Dates
- June 29 Saturday - September 16 Sunday, 2024
- Organizers
- Panasonic Shiodome Museum of Art
- Special cooperation
- The Town of Higashikawa (Hokkaido), Oda Collection Organization, Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative
ポール・ケアホルム( 1929 - 1980 )は2 0 世紀デンマークを代表する家具デザイナーです。木製家具を極めながら、当時では珍しい金属や石を素材とした家具製作に挑戦し、約3 0年の活動期間に今日にも復刻される名作を次々と生み出しました。本展は、椅子研究家・織田憲嗣のコレクションを中心にケアホルムの主要作品を網羅した、日本の美術館では初めての展覧会となります。極限にまで洗練された家具の美を、建築家・田根剛(ATTA)の会場デザインにより体現します。
As one of the greatest furniture designers of 20th-century Denmark, Poul Kjærholm (1929–1980) mastered the art of crafting furniture from wood but preferred the challenge of metal and stone—a choice that was unusual in his time. Over his 30-year career, he produced a succession of masterpieces that are still sought after today. This exhibition, the first of its kind in Japan, showcases Kjærholm’s most influential works, many of them on loan from the collection of Noritsugu Oda, an avid researcher and collector of chairs. The refined sculptural beauty of these pieces of furniture are reflected in the exhibition layout itself, which was designed by the architect Tsuyoshi Tane (ATTA).
