ダックス レイモンド
Dax Raymond
- 役職・肩書
- 外国籍プロ
- 名前
- Dax Raymond
- 身長 / 体重
- 196cm / 112kg
- 出身地
- アメリカ ユタ州
- 出身大学
- ユタ州立大学
- 出身高校・
部活動 - Timpview High School
- 勤務先会社・
部署名 - エレクトリックワークス社

Personal Data
- アメフトを始めたきっかけ
- I grew up playing football and basketball with my older brother Ky. We both played football and basketball throughout our childhood. He played college basketball and I chose football.
- アメフトの魅力
- Football is physical and fast paced. Football takes an incredible amount of work off the field to produce on the field. The satisfaction that comes from scoring a touchdown! Scoring a touchdown is an incredible feeling that gets me excited as if I was 8 years old, every time.
- アピールポイント
- I can create mismatches. Bigger than safeties and faster than linebackers. Being a tight end it’s important to be able to help in the passing game as well as the running game. I believe I can help create the disguise needed to keep the defense guessing.
- 座右の銘
- 1% better. Everyday we have a choice to take a step forward or a step backwards. When we stack small progressive steps we can look back and see how far we’ve come.
- 選手の特徴・紹介
- ユタ出身。TEとして理想的なサイズとアビリティを持つ。NFL挑戦を終えXリーグに参戦