More Power to Our Teams!
Our latest official uniforms feature designs that show the grit and determination of our team members, with Panasonic's corporate color of Panasonic Blue as the base.
Wearing these uniforms, each player sets their sights high with a single-minded devotion to consistently win.
Check out the uniforms, and share in the action and the joy of victory with the team members.
Panasonic PANTHERS

The design theme is "磨"
The design that expresses delicacy and strength by sharpening all of "mind", "skill", "body", and "knowledge" toward victory.
The stripes that run up with all one's heart are the trajectory to victory.
Panasonic Baseball Team

The shoulders and sides are in navy while the sleeve hems are in red, with white as the base color. By combining red for passion together with Panasonic Blue, the design gives a sense of depth.

Oyoroi is a type of armor made up of small scales of metal called kozane that are bound together with thread. A graphic representation of the armor serves as the pattern for the uniform. It expresses the team's resolve in the scrum and its solidarity.
The ukiyo-e artwork by Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Biographies of Loyal and Righteous Samurai, is arranged into a rugby player wearing the WILD KNIGHTS helmet. A player gaining territory and another tackling an opponent are represented. Traditional Japanese patterns in similar colors are overlaid on even more patterns , and if looked at closely enough, form the image of a samurai.
Panasonic IMPULSE

[The meaning of the decal (mark on the helmet)]
The team name IMPULSE is expressed with the tomoe, a traditional Japanese symbol of lightning, which is also the emblem for the Japanese god of war. The triple-swirl pattern represents the team's essential concept of the 3Fs (Fair play, Fighting spirit, and For the team) coming together as one.
Panasonic Angels

The white gradation at the shoulders and waist area accentuates the Panasonic Blue and the corporate logo. The V-shaped design on the back and the gold lines on the sides indicate victory.