Konosuke Matsushita and Japanese Traditional Craft ArtsClosed

General information

Apr. 13 – Aug. 25, 2013 Closed
(Part I: Apr. 13 – May 28) (Part II: May 30 – Jul. 9) (Part III: Jul. 11 – Aug. 25)
10 a.m. – 6 p.m. (Admittance until 5:30 p.m.)
Every Wednesday
Adults: ¥700   Students (College): ¥500   Students (High / Middle school): ¥200
Visitors aged 65 or over carrying proof of age: ¥600
Groups of 20 or more are subject to a ¥100 discount per person(not including those aged 65 or over).
Admission is free for children in primary school and younger.
Admission is free for disability passbook holders and up to one accompanying adult.
Panasonic Shiodome Museum, NIKKEI
Agency of Cultural Affairs, Minato Ward Board of Education, Nihon Kogeikai
National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo; Urasenke Konnichian
Special Cooperation
Nihon Kogeikai Kinki Office

Click here for directions to the Museum

About the exhibition

Not many people know that Panasonic founder Konosuke Matsushita (1894-1989) had a deep understanding of Japanese traditional craft arts, which he passionately promoted and supported during his lifetime. Although he often claimed to not have much of an eye for art, Matsushita was involved in quite a bit of artistic activity, from the art collection he amassed over the years to the executive roles he played in Nihon Kogeikai and other art organizations. This exhibition focuses on these aspects of Matsushita’s relationship with Japanese traditional craft arts.

Matsushita valued modesty throughout his life and believed it could be nurtured through the traditional tea ceremony. Through his encounters with various tea ware, he began to show more interest in the craftsmen who made them. Japanese traditional craft artworks—ceramics, dyed textiles, lacquer ware, metal ware, wood and bamboo ware, dolls, and gold leaf ware—are created using a variety of materials and traditional methods, while also incorporating contemporary touches. Matsushita’s exploration of these traditional arts led him to the conclusion that they represented the origins of Japanese manufacturing. He supported the artisans who practiced them so that future generations would not forget the soul of Japanese manufacturing.

On display are 90 craft artworks that have some strong connection with Matsushita—60 of which have never been exhibited—by 65 artists. This is a fantastic opportunity for visitors to explore Matsushita’s belief that these traditional craft arts could contribute significantly to our cultural development.

Events / Seminars

【Guided tours】

(No preregistration required; in Japanese only)

  • May 25, Jun. 22, and Jul. 27
  • Tours begin at 2 p.m. and last for about an hour.
    Participation is free for all exhibition ticket holders.
    Please gather at the Panasonic Shiodome Museum entrance.

【Lecture: “Konosuke Matsushita and Japanese Traditional Craft Arts”】

reservations closed

Kunihiko Moriguchi, officially recognized practitioner of Yuzen resist-dyeing (an important intangible cultural property)
Masanori Moroyama, senior researcher at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, and exhibition supervisor for “Konosuke Matsushita and Japanese Traditional Craft Arts”
Apr. 14, 2013
1:30 p.m. – 3 p.m. (Doors open at 1 p.m.)
Free (Exhibition ticket holders only.) (Preregistration required. Up to 150 admitted.)
Fifth Floor Hall, Panasonic Tokyo Shiodome Bldg.

» Preregistration methods

【Lecture: “Konosuke Matsushita and the Tea Ceremony”】

reservations closed

Ho-unsai Sen Genshitsu, 15th generation head of the Urasenke tea ceremony school
Apr. 27, 2013
1 p.m. – 2 p.m. (Doors open at 12:30 p.m.)
Free (Exhibition ticket holders only.) (Preregistration required. Up to 350 admitted.)
Fifth Floor Hall, Panasonic Tokyo Shiodome Bldg.

» Preregistration methods

【Workshop: “Making Your Very Own Bamboo Flower Basket”】

reservations closed

Shochiku Tanabe, bamboo craftsman
Jul. 6, 2013 (Adults)
Aug. 3, 2013 (Children aged 10-15)
1:30 p.m. – 4 p.m. (Doors open at 1:00 p.m.)
¥1,000 for adults and ¥500 for children
(Admission to be paid at entrance.) (Preregistration required. Up to 20 per date admitted.)
Fifth Floor Hall, Panasonic Tokyo Shiodome Bldg. (Jul. 6)
Third Floor Hall, Panasonic Tokyo Shiodome Bldg. (Aug. 3)

» Preregistration methods


Visitors may preregister for activities and presentations offered by the museum on a first come, first served basis.

Preregistrations must be made by phone at the following number. Deadlines vary by event.

Preregistration Hotline
03-6450-1154 (10 a.m. – 5 p.m.)

  • ※Any personal information divulged as part of the preregistration process will only be used for organizational purposes for the activity or presentation, and will be destroyed after the event.
  • ※By divulging personal information as part of the preregistration process, you agree that the Museum may use said information for the above-mentioned organizational purposes.